For many years our company has maintained strong links with 151 Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps, London’s only logistic regiment, the Combined Cadet Force at St Dunstan’s College in Catford and HMS ST ALBANS, the last of the Type 23 frigates built for the Royal Navy, based at Plymouth.

Most recently we have affiliated with RAF Cranwell. The station commander attended the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch as our guest and a party of Marketors attended the Officers’ Graduation Ceremony in May.

In many cases of affiliations with Livery Companies the relationship is purely ceremonial. As Marketors we aim to provide pro bono marketing support and make it a truly working relationship where our skills as marketing professionals benefit our affiliates and their marketing objectives. We want it to be a “sleeves rolled up” relationship that sits alongside the ceremonial aspects.

As well as supporting a variety of fellowship activities, outreach and donating prizes to our military partners, events attended and planned each year include Officers’ Mess guest nights, capability exercises (at land and sea), contingent dinners, curry evenings and professional military briefings.

For centuries, it has been the tradition of City Livery Companies to form links with units of the Armed Forces.

A military ship with people watching


151 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps (RLC)

151 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) is the only London-based logistic regiment and can trace its origins back to the formation of the Royal Waggon Train in Croydon in 1801. Today 151 Regiment RLC is an integral part of 101 Logistic Brigade (The Iron Vipers), which provides logistic support to 3 UK Armoured Division (The Iron Division). They are paired with and work alongside their Regular counterpart, 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment RLC.

151 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps (RLC)

St Dunstan’s College Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

The aim of the CCF, which is very popular with College students, is to give cadets the chance to learn more about themselves and the world around them through activities that are challenging, worthwhile and fun. There are currently over 200 cadets on the roll, led by Contingent Commander Major Richard Davies and our Liaison Officer, Head of Army Section and Corps of Drums, St Dunstan's College, Captain Phillips.

St Dunstan’s College Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

HMS St Albans

HMS St Albans is a Type 23 frigate of the Royal Navy, the sixteenth and final ship in the ‘Duke’ class of frigates. We have had an active affiliation with the Ship since 2011. After a major four-year refit of 1.2 million working hours transforming her into the most advanced, equipped, and capable Type 23 in the Royal Navy's fleet, she is currently undergoing sea trials and exercises as she moves towards full operational readiness.

HMS St Albans

RAF Cranwell

RAF Cranwell is the world’s first Air Academy founded in 1920 and today continues to select and train the next generation of RAF officers. Additionally, it is home to RAF Recruitment, RAF Air Cadets, Flying Training Schools (3 and 6), Central Flying School, Air Warfare School, and the Tedder and Robson Academies. As this is our newest affiliate, we are currently working with them to establish how best we can use our marketing skills to assist the various units under their control.

RAF Cranwell