With roots dating back over 2000 years, St Bride’s reflects the history of London itself. It has established an important ministry as the “Journalist’s Church”, and extends a warm welcome to all those who work in marketing, advertising and PR, both in person in Fleet Street and online via its social channels.

The Rector of St Bride’s, Reverend Canon Dr Alison Joyce, is the Honorary Chaplain for the Worshipful Company of Marketors. She is available to all members to discuss particular problems in confidence, and plays a central role in the events of the Company.

Our affiliated Church of St Bride’s in Fleet Street offers a spiritual home for Marketors of “all faiths and none”.

Inside St Bride's Church
St Bride's Church spire

St Bride’s welcomes the Marketors throughout the year – from the Blessing of the new Master and the Company, for Thanksgiving, Rededication and Remembrance services and for the Communications Industry Carol Service in December.

Marketors are always welcome at Sunday services (Choral Eucharist at 11am, Choral Evensong at 5.30pm) when the professional choir leads the worship. Adding to the City of London cultural scene, St Bride’s hosts free lunchtime recitals each week throughout the year on most Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:15pm. The Crypt features a fascinating museum and there are regular services and “Space for Silence” available every day.

We want you to feel wherever you live or work that this is your Church. A focal point for all concerned with the world of communication who wish to give thanks to God or seek His help, or simply to find some mental space for contemplation in our busy world.

Interior of St Bride's Church

Interior of St Bride's Church

For more information:

Website: www.stbrides.com

YouTube channel: @StBridesChurchLondon

St Bride's Church logo