If you contribute already, we thank you sincerely, but we can always do more and respond to worthy funding requests we are not currently able to fulfill. With your support, we can continue to support causes connected to our core objectives. There are many ways to support The Trust:

Make a one-off donation

Visit CAF Bank Donate to Charity, enter Marketors’ Trust into search criteria and follow-on screen instructions.

Regular donations via Direct Debit 

Please download and fill in a Direct Debit form and send to the The Clerk's Office.

Leave a Legacy

Legacy giving is an important source of funding for The Marketors’ Trust. Our Founding Father, Reginald Bowden, set a philanthropic precedent by leaving £6,000 in his will. Legacy donations allow us to carry on the important work of the trust.

Please consider adding a codicil to your will in order to leave a charitable bequest to The Trust. Lifetime bequests are another funding option. Our Harvard Scholarship Programme is made possible by a member who set up a Charitable Trust for this purpose. 

Please contact The Clerk’s Office for more information.