The Livery Climate Action Group (LCAG) was formed by way of response from the Livery to the challenge posed by the City of London Corporation to meet net zero emissions for the Square Mile by 2040 and to build climate resilience into our public realm and buildings. There are 102 Livery Companies who are members of LCAG to date, the largest cross Livery organisation.

LCAG was formally launched in October 2021. As a mutual help group, it aims to be a facilitator, prompt, hub of excellence and source of information and contacts for the Livery and those working in it. As such, it provides useful information for Livery Companies with a website providing detailed guidance notes on how to create a climate strategy and in-depth information on topics including investments, property and food. There are regular blogs and news events run by LCAG and by other Liveries or organisations. The LCAG YouTube channel has videos of its own events and the work of individual Liveries.

LCAG was founded by and is still chaired by Alderman Alison Gowman, supported by over 30 individuals who form a core team involved with the work. This includes running the website, hosting events (online and in person), preparing guidance notes and videos and engaging on outreach by the Liveries to their trades, professions and crafts and to their affiliated organisations. In addition, every Livery Company member nominates a single point of contact who collectively meet to share thoughts and plans and collaborate on ideas towards net zero.

LCAG does not demand any joining fee nor any specific pledge to meet a target: save to align with the City Corporation’s strategy. However, working in collaboration has meant that Livery Companies address these issues collectively but in different ways depending on their own circumstances and professional links. Over half either have a climate action plan or are working towards one and are creating an appropriate investment strategy. Many are still in the foothills and others have made public statements as to their intentions. Companies have joined who “never do cross Livery stuff” (Vintners who also challenge users to ask awkward questions about compliance which they can answer!)

What started as talking about carbon emissions has expanded to questioning behaviours around food and travel, concern about the environment and biodiversity. It is also allowing Liveries to address cross Livery concerns such as the financial services response to climate risk and resolving heavy carbon emitters such as flying via the Green Aviation Task Group. This issue that will shape the future of our planet is also galvanising the Livery in a very special way to rethink their relationship to meeting, dining, their craft and profession and the City of London Corporation.

Numbers and events

  • 103 Livery Company members (or equivalent organisation progressing to Livery) including all of the Great Twelve and 34 with Livery Halls.
  • 2 in person conferences held with over 100 attending each.
  • 2 in person seminars; one on Almshouses given to organisations from the wider almshouse movement on historic buildings and one on sustainable finance hosted by CCLA.
  • 10 substantive online seminars organised with an average attendance of 75.
  • 15 online seminars to Livery single points of contact for upskilling, collaboration and building a climate action plan.
  • 15 videos of events, interviews or Livery information on LCAG YouTube channel.
  • 20 sets of guidance notes - fact checked with UKRIC and Livery specific (all open source).
  • Exemplars of climate action plans, sustainability policies and investment strategies for general use.
  • Numerous speaking opportunities for Liveries, future Masters, with CISI and miscellaneous invites such as a panel discussion with Chris Skidmore MP organised by the Company of Communicators.
  • Regular blogs and news on website, shared on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Impact and Achievements:

Collaboration Pan Livery:

Insurers planning extensive liaison around FS sector to discuss and resolve cross sector issues. This has resulted in three in person events. One with the Solicitors, one the Constructors where barriers and risks were shared and a third with other Liveries involved including Information Technologists, Engineers and Entrepreneurs.

Green Aviation Task Group of 12 related liveries led by Air Pilots, engaging with the Lord Mayor Michael Mainelli, the Corporation Innovation and Growth team and UK/China Green Finance Group.

One business (via a Livery member) is measuring the carbon emissions of Livery Halls pro bono to help reduce emissions and create a database for future shared use.

Carmen created QR code for menus to collect data on travel and accommodation to events to help Liveries to measure carbon footprint - to be made available to all Liveries via LCAG.

Early discussions about collective offsetting across the Livery.

Collaboration with other groups:

Working with Heart of the City around climate and SMEs and sharing work around carbon calculators.

Working with the City Churches around net zero and heritage building issues (linking with Historic England and City Corporation).

Working with the Bar Council Climate Crisis Working Group to liaise across Middle and Inner temple.

Affiliation with Pollinating London Together, the cross-Livery charity promoting pollinators and biodiversity.

Clearing house for referrals from City Corporation and Lord Mayor. EG London Green City; C4S; Undaunted at Imperial; the Anti Greenwash Charter; City University.

Behaviour change

Skinners Hall refurbishment impacted by LCAG and they have installed air source heat pumps.

Constructors claim to be 1st net zero company with tree planting verifiable to offset emissions.

Wood Group of Liveries working on heritage woodland for future timber use and biodiversity.

Basketmakers pursuing willow growing in the UK to meet supply demands and create biodiversity.

WCIT creating possible circular economy Circular Mile initiative with Liveries and City businesses with Chartered Surveyors.

Indirect impact

Reported that climate focus has helped with recruitment (Constructors) and engagement with dormant members (Grocers).

Spawned events such as topical seminars by Fuellers on Aviation and Scientific Instrument Makers on Fusion.

Merchant Taylors Livery set up Lord Mayor’s Green Bursary scheme which provided 5 bursaries awards towards green skills working with City & Guilds.

Advocacy by the Livery

Responding to the Environmental Audit Committee call for evidence on sustainability in built environment (by Constructors Livery and individual construction companies).

Responding to the Mayor of London's consultation in the London Climate Resilience Review.

City of London Corporation

Working with City Corporation on heritage buildings framework.

Lightmongers responded to City’s light pollution planning work.

Working with City on Power Purchases Agreement for SMEs including Liveries and collective agreement across the City.

Proposal to create volunteer group to monitor report and comment on planning applications in the City of London that might have climate sustainability and biodiversity issues reviewing at end of construction period.

Theme of dinner to their Majesties featured sustainability with additional invites to LCAG members a mentioned by Lord Mayor in speech 18th October 2023

Alderman Alison Gowman, Chair of the Livery Climate Action Group,

June 2024

Note. Past Master Dr David Pearson is the single point of contact (SPOC) for the Worshipful Company of Marketors on the LCAG. He asked for volunteers to help him with the project and is delighted to report that Court Assistants Martin Ashton and Steve Pailthorpe, Liveryman Omaid Hiwaizi and new freeman Paul Finch have come forward.

Livery Climate Group Action Group Project logo