We believe that in order to continue to be relevant, our membership should reflect the diverse nature of the broadly defined marketing industry, the City, and UK society and so we seek to draw members with marketing leadership experience from a wide range of backgrounds.

For a sustainable Company, which is large enough to deliver our goals yet small enough to still feel personal, we aim to have around 400 active members, ranging from marketing leaders, to agency owners and senior academics. Whilst our members live and work all over the world, they all continue to support the City of London and the Lord Mayor. Our Global membership includes a member who has just joined from Canada and a Finnish member who organised a marketing tour of Helsinki in early September 2024.

We aim to have around 400 active members, ranging from marketing leaders, to agency owners and senior academics.

A new member joining the Company
A new member at a Livery dinner

We are inclusive and welcome applications from anyone. We especially encourage applications from people with minority backgrounds or with a disability. Typically, our members are drawn from the following groups:

  • Senior industry figures including non-executive Directors, CEOs, CMOs academics and professionals
  • Accomplished practitioners with a deep knowledge and experience, from business, public, academia or military
  • Earlier career high achievers with a business and/or not for profit marketing background

Why you should join The Marketors

  1. You want to direct and focus your ‘giving-back’ activities, where you can give selflessly of your time, talent and resources, within our neutral ‘Third Sector’, where conversation and action is focused on doing good for others.
  2. You recognise that membership reflects your own high standards of personal, professional and ethical behaviour and you are willing to make a lifetime commitment to engage.
  3. You enjoy the delightful intersection of the traditional with the new, joining a Modern Livery Company that has a Foundation and a Royal Charter and which fully embraces social and other online media and organises unique formal and informal events for entertaining family, clients and guests in some of the finest venues in London.
  4. You appreciate being able to collaborate with your peers in a wide range of panels, projects and groups, supporting and promoting careers in marketing through our projects and affiliations while making new friends.
  5. You relish the opportunity to become a Freeman of the City of London, to experience the pageantry and participate in the history and ancient traditions of the City of London.

Some reasons why The Marketors might not be for you

  1. Giving your talent, time and money to benefit others is not part of your life
  2. You have no time to attend at least one event or panel meeting every year
  3. You have no desire for an understanding of/ empathy for the City and its traditions
  4. Attending the occasional traditional formal event is not your style

Enquire about membership

Find out more about our four step process on the Membership Enquiry page.

Members holding certificates